Tuesday, 7 August 2012

The Name TUKU Sent To Me In A Dream I Had.

I heard a voice in a dream that I just recently had.  It was neither male nor female.  This voice was what I can only describe as otherworldly.  The voice sounded as if it came from an ancient civilisation.  I also believe it to be Otherkin.  Or a Otherkin guardian, from another place.  This place is not on earth.  This place existed long ago, as another planetary system. 

This place must've once had higher beings, beyond human perception.  They never needed devices like we do today.  Instead, they had ( and probably still have) invisible teleporto devices, to transport themselves around various galaxies.  And I believe that this is how Alecto/Megara and Tisiphone must still contact their fellow avatars.

And TUKU shall be a secret name of diversity.  And that is what it partly means.  If you go to Kabalarian Philosophy.  The site should tell you a little about this name.  Go to 

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